Solvychegodsk map

The salternative tourist map and wayfinding

Solvychegodsk is one of the smallest towns in Russia with one of the largest lifetime history to tell. The famous dynasty of Stroganovs who had been saltmakers, merchants and start-upers of their time, have established the international harbour town centuries before. We couldn't believe, this town is off radar when we first got there, while developing Serernoe Trekhrechie brand. Only three years since, the request for the personal branding was requested. We've made it from the town branding and town guidelines, while the core element remained the town tourist map.

Client: Ministry of Culture of Arkhangelsk Oblast

Work: map design

2021 … 2022
Map is the most important element in the place identity. It is both the source of unique graphics, the most inspiring its part and the thing, that unites residents around. Participants are literally changing towards the upcoming project, when start working under the map together. Here's how we made it together and why is it so important to create a brand tourist map in our practice.
Igor Makovsky
Creating map together
First things first, good map is the one you're making together with the local residents. The contents of the map had beed discussed on the town meeting with several entrepreneurs, administraion and those concerned.
Entrepreneurs, administration and social care workers discuss the contents of the future map in the local library
This is the map we got after the collaboration with the local Solvychegodsk residents
Salternative maps
We've created several maps during the next year based on the previous work with the residents. The first one was more rich with lots of details and elements: we could not stop but to display everything. The second one was remade significantly and looks way clearer, here it is:
Solvychegodsk tourist map
The way map looks inside the existed Solvychegodsk framing constructions
First Solvychegodsk map was quite overwhelming with details and hard to navigate
All our maps became the source of the plenty brand images that could be used lately for merch, further sub-branding and wayfinding needs. That's why we love them so much.
Large variety of graphical elements taken from the map
Personal maps
As an example of further activating the brand, here is the one we've prepared for the Solvychegodsk mud bath sanatorium. Most of the details had been wiped out, but the ones most important tourist attractors and those being parts of the sanatorium itself are present. Other than that, we've turned it 90° clockwise.
Local Solvychegodsk sanatorium has its own map
Wayfinding elements
Elements from the map has became the basis for the universally used patterns.
Official transport wayfinding elements
Elements from the map has became the basis for the universally used patterns.
Handy way of making awesome unique patterns is to take elements right from the map
Voila! Merch.
The patterns are handy way of making unforgettable merch. Here are just few examples of how easy it is to use it on even the most common instances.
Solvychegodsk merch made entirely using the pattern and its elements only
Solvychegodsk map today
Visit and see for yourself how our humble, yet noble black maps are proudly placed alongside the town center. House illustrations from the map could be seen both on the merch, used by the local community and upon the wayfinding plaques.
Left-to-right: Maria Chernykh, Kate Antoshkina, Anna Fofanova (minister of culture) and Maksim Chernykh
  • Natalia Rybalchenko
    Brand strategist, researcher
  • Igor Makovsky
    Art director, designer
  • Katya Antoshkina
  • Maksim Chernykh,
    Maria Chernykh
    Thanks for support and
Made for Solvychegodsk
More projects in Arkhangelsk Oblast
2017 … 2018
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