Anastasia Lebedeva had a personal gift shop in Monchegorsk. It helped local craftsmen to showcase their goods and destribute them. She had a closet room by the chain store full of souvenirs of all kinds named "the workshop of presents". In 2022 she gained support from the Murmansk Ministry of culture. She moved to a way more larger personal shop, published her own souvenir line, connected with the town brand that we've developed and bought some printing devices to produce them with less expenses. We helped to create her personal highly illustrative brand connected with one of the Monchegorsk symbols — the sculpture of the Moose, that is deelpy associated with the town historically and mentally.
The ultimate symbol of Monchegorsk. According to all the logic, it had to be the symbol and no other way
Sculpture of the Moose stands there way before the sculpture of Vladimir Lenin in Monchegorsk. The moose had been witnessed the whole history of town standing and our visitors love him.
Nastya Lebedeva
The Moose is the grand symbol of the town that can be seen on the official coat of arms and, say, everywhere in town. We'd use it on the town logo if not tens of other mooses from towns all around Russia that would not help town identity to stand out. Even though we haven't taken moose image into design, we couldn't ignore him completely, because residents love him with passion. That's why we had been seeking a way to create a project sometime that could include him. Looking at Nastya's gift shop assortment of souvenirs proved us right: every second art had the Moose in it. That's why there were no concerns: let the Moose be the main hero.
Architect Boris Vorobiev is sitting by the sculpture of the Moose in his workshop (1958)
Identity for the gift shop ought to be inspiring both for the creators and the consumers of the brand. By creators I mean the artists that would co-create souvenirs themselves and by consumers I mean all the visitors of the gift shop that have to be amazed and eager to buy everything. Just an image of a moose wasn't enough — we had to find an unforgetable verbal pun.
Prineslos logo
Copywriting pun of using words including 'los' (which translates to 'moose' in russian) came to me right after the first visit to Monchegorsk at the beginning of 2021. At that time, I thought that it would be the perfect idea for the whole Monchegorsk.
Igor Makovsky
With the help of premade set of illustration elements, every designer can make up endless amount of images without illustration skills.
Prineslos stickers are printed on the oval lake shapes
Nastya always dreamed of her own souvenir line and with our brand she could easily brand almost everything without any help from our side lately.
All the typical elements are looking funny and bright
A handy way to take a selfie in front of the Monchegorsk bird view can be made inside Nastya's gift shop. All the essential symbols can be seen on this panorama photo map: lakes, Khibiny mountains and lots of green parks.
According to what we can find out in its social network activity, it is doing its best in Monchegorsk. Here are some of what we found out.
The brand tied with the town brand and Monchegorsk unique features helped me get proper financing from the Murmansk authorites, such as Ministry of Culture and realise all the offered ideas. This raised the flow of the tourists to my gift shop and helped my small business grow.
Nastya Lebedeva
According to the amount of content we could find, one of the most viable and active projects in Monchegorsk